Stefanie Brown
I’ve always been a fan of amusement parks.
Disney World…
Kings Island…
6 Flags over wherever…
They’re all exciting, with thrilling rides that take my breath away.
My mind, however, recalls an amusement park, a rather small amusement park, nestled near a beach in South Carolina. Many childhood summers were spent passing through its simple gate.
It didn’t have monsterous roller coaster rides.
It didn’t have refreshing water rides.
It didn’t even have familiar life-sized cartoon characters walking around, posing for pictures with their young admirers.
What it did have ~ and what stands out in my mind still ~ was a Hall of Mirrors.
Hundreds of mirrors…
Hundreds of reflections…
Hundreds of distorted images…
I was short-er…
I was taller…
I was thick-er…
I was thinner…
My head was balloon-like…
My legs were as long as stilts…
My arms were like those of an octopus…
My feet were as surfboards…
Untrue, distorted, exaggerated images…
What I saw was me, but not really.
Similarly, life experience can cause a hall of distorted mirrors to alter how we see ourselves thus altering what we think of and about ourselves as well as the call we have on our lives. If we’re not careful, we’ll find ourselves bouncing from mirror to mirror in his hall of lies, see and believing.
Me, a writer, there’s simply no way ~ LIE…
I’m not talented ~ LIE…
No one will read what I write ~ LIE…
There’s no way He could use anything I put on paper for His glory ~ LIE…
Who am I to think I have anything worth saying ~ LIE…
I’ve dreamed WAY too big ~ LIE…
Instead, may we turn to the Creator, the Author, the Truth…
“Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex! Your workmanship is marvelous—how well I know it.” ~ Psalm 139:14 (NLT)
The lies cannot stand against truth ~ the Truth. We’re wonderfully complex, His special design, His masterpiece, His marvelous workmanship. May we see our reflection in HIM and Him ~ alone.
He’s called us to write. He’s put the passion within us. He’s gifted us and has a story to share through us. All He wants us to do is believe THIS truth.
Dismiss the lies…
Claim the truth…
“For we are His masterpiece…” ~ Ephesians 2:10 (NLT)

Stefanie Brown is the wife of Dan Brown, Executive Director of LIFT Ministries. She is currently a Seminary Grad Student at Liberty University, pursuing a Master of Arts in Theological Studies degree. She and Dan, who just celebrated 9 years of marriage, re-located their ministry to the Dallas Metroplex in 2009. She and her family reside in Plano, TX and are partnering with Canyon Creek Baptist Church, Richardson, TX.