
July 24, 2012

Masterpieces are Padded with Doozies

by guest blogger Anna Lee Everhart

Jerry Maguire did handstand push-ups; I prefer listening to the quiet. Whatever your technique may be, we all need one for moments of writer’s block. Oh, the delight of sitting in your creative space and fervently writing the words as they flow freely from your intellect to the pen and finally to the paper.

But what about the days when your creative space feels dull and any glimmer of witty dialogue or ironic word choices just effervesce before they become a complete thought. The feared writer’s block sets in and can last for minutes. Days. Oh, please don’t even say it . . . weeks! Annnnnnnd I’m stuck.

Don’t be discouraged in those moments of mental numbness. Hang onto the fact that even the most creative people in history had several doozies between the masterful works for which we praise them (think Picasso), and follow a few of these tips:

Change up your writing space. If you normally type on your computer indoors, try going outside with a notebook or laptop. Or, find inspiration by people watching at a park or coffee shop.

Introduce a schedule. Write at the same time of day, every day, and your brain may follow suit and begin to show up when you do.

Set goals and deadlines. Nothing motivates like a little pressure. Giving yourself deadlines for word counts or chapters you want to accomplish is a great way to keep interested enough in your project.

Listen. When your thoughts become forced, it’s time to clear your mind. Try laying on your couch to rest, enjoy the silence, and soon enough a thought will sparkle to the surface.

See what’s trending on the web. Expand your reader base by looking on social media sites to see what’s trending. Find a topic that speaks to you, and add hash tags to match the trends.

Just write. When it comes down to it, just show up and write. Even if you come up with one stellar sentence in 600 words, well, it’s a win.

It can take some time, editing, and a darn thick skin, but before you know it, your words will come together effortlessly, and the ironies and character development will make that perfect, sexy combination that ends up nabbing you a publisher (hip hip!). Next time another writer’s block is about to ruin your day, remember back to the gleaming moments of creative bliss and know a similar moment is not far away. That block is actually a step. A step up toward the finished piece! Up and over you’ll soon enough go. Just make sure you have your pen and paper at the ready!

Anna Lee Everhart is the author of the children’s book, Bearful Bear and his New Moves. Visit BQB’s online store to learn more about Anna and to purchase her book in paperback or hardcover. Bearful Bear and his New Moves is also available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, iTunes, Kobo, and through your favorite bookstore.

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