
February 21, 2014

Speak to Inspire

By Roz Baker

Curiosity is part of the human condition and with each new generation, curiosity into the lives of others has become more intense. Experience over the past 10 years has shown me that nothing sells books faster than getting to know the author.

As one of Australia’s most successful indie authors, I'm often asked how I have sold tens of thousands of books when I rarely sell books in shops. The answer is this:
1. Have a good product. 2.  Be prepared to do a lot of driving. 3. Be a good public speaker.

Long ago, I came to the conclusion that I am a speaker who writes not a writer who speaks. While I hear a collective groan from those of you who dislike public speaking, the reality is, the author is the product and the book, simply an extension of that product. Everyone has a personal story. Mine touches on what I call the 3 D's : Death, Disease and Divorce. The death of my mother, the trials of overcoming my brain surgery, then the breakdown of my marriage. After a 40 minute talk, my audiences feel they know me and want to support my journey as a writer by buying my books.

My trilogy set in Australia, incorporates adventure, romance and great humour, a complete contrast to my 4th book which is an inspirational novel set in working class England in the 1800's. Adding to this contrast, I have written a small booklet of Australian Bush Verse which I use as a marketing tool.

Marketing is all important and the ability to offer discounts comes down to volume - my print runs are of multiple thousands. Writers have to incorporate business sense with creativity. One without the other makes selling books a hard slog... Everyone loves a bargain! At the close of my talks I offer individual novels at $20 each. However, if they buy all 4, they are reduced to $15 each and I throw the poems in FREE. 95% of my customers go for the special, which makes it easy to tally up big dollars when each sale is $60 for the pack.

As my expertise in selling is face to face, the internet world has not yet been fully utilized by me. My Sooner Or Later Trilogy is available as an eBook from Amazon. Like most writers, my hope is to go international and one day see my work on the big screen. Doors are currently opening for me with interest from China.

ROZ BAKER is an AUTHOR, BUSH POET,INDEPEDENT PUBLISHER & TOASTMASTER. The Sooner Or Later Series by Roz Baker has proven that self-publishing is a viable option. By August 2007, Roz has sold 7,600 books totaling over $100,000. Roz is an Advanced Toastmaster who has won many trophies for humorous and impromptu speaking. In 2007, Roz is working her way through 120 speaking engagements between Sydney and Brisbane, telling the inspirational story of overcoming brain surgery before self-publishing 3 successful novels. She includes a light hearted touch to her presentations by reciting some of her humorous bush poetry. Roz would be delighted to speak to your group and can be contacted by email. BOOK 1-Sooner Or Later We All Stop Laughing, BOOK 2-Sooner Or Later We All Come Home and BOOK 3-Sooner Or Later We All Get Even. Her website is at and at Facebook.

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