
July 13, 2016

Just Close Your Eyes and Write

By Cindy Loven

Did you just do a double take? Has she gone off the deep end? Was that the question you asked as you read the title of this blog post? Well, take heart, I don't mean literally. But sometimes as authors, we are the greatest procrastinators in the world. We check email, we check Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google+ anything to keep from actually sitting down with the intent to add to our word count in our current WIP. 

I admit it; I am giving this pep talk to myself. I write every day, however, when all is said and done, that word count has not moved forward. Why oh why, do tweets, Facebook posts and blog posts not count towards our word count for our books?  Of course, I understand why it doesn't. I mean a book with "#buymybook @www.buymybook" would look funny in the middle of a children's story, or a devotional. I really don't see a picture of my flowers adding anything to a romance, or a suspense. And my status? Well. I am sure it is not entertaining enough to end up in a story.

So how can we get past this procrastinating? Close your eyes take a deep breath and write. Well, open your current WIP first. LOL. Some days we have to talk to ourselves like our mommas used to. "Girl, get in there and get the job done. You know what you need to do. Do it! Don't make me come down there and sit by you while you write." I hope you heard your momma's voice as you read those statements.

So what are you waiting on? Open that WIP, close those eyes, and start typing. Wait, open your eyes, "ahdoapidpfhpaisdhfgnad," doesn't add to the word count either. :-). Happy writing.
Cindy Loven, a stay at home, work from home, wife and mom. Cindy is the co-author of Swept Away; Quilts of Love, with Laura V. Hilton, and Dianna's Wings the Parables of Trevor Turtle. She also was a contributor to the devotional Fear Not, compiled by Anne Baxter Campbell. As a virtual assistant to another author, a book reviewer and a very active participant in many online authors groups and writing groups, she manages to stay busy. When she has a spare moment, she loves to read for fun, (not reviews) sew,  crochet and visit with her friends. She is a member of the ACFW and has served as a board member of her local group in 2015. A mom to two sons, one in heaven, and a 23-year-old, wife to her “darling Dave” for 30 plus years. She makes her home in Arkansas with her family and her fur babies. Blakely Mae, and Shadow. Where to find me on the web Facebook: Twitter handle: @cndloven Blog: Pinterest: Page:

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