
September 23, 2011

Perseverance: The Foundation for Writing Success

Today I welcome my friend and Southern Writers contributor, Londa Hayden to Foundation Friday. Please give her a friendly Southern welcome to Suite T.
by Londa Hayden, Southern Writers Contributor

Do you remember the old saying, "When at first you don't succeed, try, try again?" It is the one adage that has followed me throughout my life. When I didn't get my manuscript accepted by one agent, I tried another, and another, until I got a yes. When my agent told me my manuscript needed work, I found an editor, took online writing classes, learned writing techniques, and worked hard to improve my writing skills.
At first, the task seemed daunting and I grew discouraged. I questioned my capabilities as a writer. Who was I to think I could write anything of such magnitude as a novel? Sure, I could crank out a devotional or two, but an entire novel? That's when I realized that the only thing stopping me was me. Many authors, who possess little to no formal training, have penned excellent novels.

Alex Haley is a fine example of someone who persevered through many obstacles and much rejection. Did you know he was not college educated? Yet, he won a Pulitzer prize for his historical novel, Roots. Did you know it took him ten years to research the book? Ten years in which he had little to no income? Rejection comes with the territory. The two things one must have in order to write with excellence is passion and tenacity. Keep writing and by all means keep submitting your work.

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