Sara M. Robinson
I discussed cowboy poetry with my weekly poetry critique group. This was a
lively discussion as most had not heard of it, or the recently-deceased and
beloved Baxter Black.
was the major contributor to that sub-genre and would richly contribute his
verse to late night hosts.
Well, for starters, the main topics are near and dear to most hearts: horses, the West, saddles, chuckwagon steak and beans, prairie dogs, and cattle. Cowboy life is a life of rugged independence that we have seen portrayed by the likes of Randolph Scott, Alan Ladd, Clint Eastwood, Gene Autry, and Roy Rogers. The West wasn’t always about bandits and Indians either.
Many of the poems had a romantic lure which mostly focused on being away from family, the loss of a dear spouse, and longing for a pretty girl. As you can guess by now there weren’t many cowgirls noted, but we have to mention Dale Evans, Annie Oakley, Calamity Jane, and Sandra Day O’Connor. Yes, that one, the Supreme Court Justice who grew up being a cowgirl.
What would be the kind of lines and language we would expect to see? Here are a few to consider:
“I like to think I’m good with cows, / A pretty fair hand with a horse / But am I a surefire
cowboy? / I’m dodgin’ the answer, of course. // …”. (Baxter Black.
Washington Post June 2022)
don’t call it Death Valley for nuthin’
And coyotes don’t make a good pet
But livin’ out here with the griz and the deer you pretty much take what you get” (Baxter Black)
“I know there's some ponies that I cannot ride
Some of them living, they haven't all died.
But I bet all money there's no man alive
That can ride Old Strawberry when he makes that high dive.” (Curley Fletcher)
And here is my
contribution, as I thought, why not try?
Bull Rider’s Waltz
Come jump
with me in moonlight
Both of us
tied to each other so tight
We’ll jump
and careen ever so light
All day
and well into the night
Come ride
with me on the plains
And we’ll
head toward sunset before it rains
We’ll hoop
it up and holler out loud
Then laugh
at the bull shaped like a cloud
Come live
with me and we’ll face the weather
Free of
ropes and rough raw leather
graze in lush green fields
And spend
our lives in total pleasure
Sometimes when we write, we should give ourselves a chance to be totally silly. This is exactly what I did. It doesn’t matter whether it’s good or not. Cowboys didn’t really care either. They were content to entertain themselves and give their occupation a kind of pointless dignity. The point of their work was the work itself. Their poetry was a gift to us.
This is Sara's newest book. A delightful read!
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