
January 17, 2022

Nostalgic Moment with Deborah H. Bateman 2016


Friday, January 29, 2016

Being a Writer

By Deborah H. Bateman

As a writer it is easy to get caught up in doing all the things that go along with being a writer besides writing our books, such as: blogging, marketing, social media, writing conferences, speaking, etc. The list can go on and on. If we aren’t careful we can become obsessed with all of it and forget that we are human beings with many other needs including spiritual, physical, mental, emotional, and financial.

Many of us have other roles to play in our lives. We may be parents, spouses, and some of us even employees. We have families to care for, relationships to tend to, and a house to clean, just to mention a few. We have to remember that writing is not our life; it is a part of our life. If we aren’t careful it can consume our lives and cause us to sacrifice some of the things that are most important to us.

I am preaching to the choir as I am writing this article in the middle of the night, but what can you do when you wake up with something on your mind but get up and write it down. That’s what we writers do. These are lessons that I have had to learn and am continuing to learn. If we neglect our families, our homes, our relationships, and our own personal needs all for the sake of writing what kind of life will we have. We need to learn to carve out time for our writing in our lives, and all the things that go along with it and not let it be our life. I challenge you to examine your life today and see what areas you are neglecting and see how you can improve your life.

Deborah H.Bateman is an Author, publisher, blogger and website designer. She is the founder of Christian Daily Resources, a Christian online ministry dedicated to "Sharing God's Word." Deborah was born and raised in South Carolina, where she still resides with her husband. She has two beautiful daughters and five precious grandchildren. Besides writing and publishing books, Deborah enjoys cooking, interior decorating, and crafts. Deborah is the author of the books in the Daily Bible Reading Series. Deborah's Daily Bible Reading blog has been moved to her author site at: She is also the author of Bible Verse Tweet blog where she shares daily Bible studies and Bible verses at You can check out her website at: Deborah enjoys "Sharing God's Word" and empowering others to share their message. Deborah's author site at: Deborah has a blog on her author site where she shares Daily Bible Reading and some self-publishing tips, digital publishing tips, indie publishing tips, book marketing tips, writing tips, and social media tips check it out at: 

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