Sandra Mansfield Wright
The days of uncertainty and fears have been surrounding all of us in previous months and have even crept into the year 2021; however, we all wish to think about more positive things. We would like to brighten our dreary days and lighten up our spirits. Some ideas which have helped me I would like to share, and hopefully these will speak more life and lightness into your days.
Purchase a calendar of days or make your own, sectioning off enough space to write a quote for the day. Each month choose a word to be your motto or mantra for that month. For January, my word was “calm” and for February my word is “blessing.” Each day find a quote in keeping with your word and write it in the day’s quote space. This will lift your spirit every day, and at the end of the year you will have a wonderful book of quotes you can look back through and read to uplift yourself. This is also a great resource to pull quotes you might want to use in writing notes of encouragement to others throughout your year.
I know hand-written notes have gone out of style somewhat; however, who of us doesn’t still like receiving a note in the mail? This is the year to write those encouraging words. It will bless us to bless others with our words. Keeping nice stationary, pretty note cards or special pens and papers on our desk will help speak life into our day, as we use these to write at least one letter or note a week to encourage someone else. We can commit to this project and look for ways to make another’s life happier, maybe a bit brighter. Think outside-the-box. We might have a talent for painting or drawing and could incorporate this into our note. We may want to design or paint our own notecards. I found a quote which is my motto for the year and made an insert to put inside my notes so the one receiving could use it as a bookmark or display on their desk. To this quote I added a picture of a beautiful bird. My motto quote is:
“Never be in a hurry: do everything quietly and in a calm spirit.
Do not lose your inner peace for anything whatsoever, even if
your whole world seems upset.”
- St. Francis de Sales
Another thing to help bring more life and light into our days is to look for ways to help others. Just by thinking of helping others and making plans will bless our days. People are hurting and need our help. We may be able to help them financially, but there are many ways to help others. Giving our time and talents is often of even more benefit. With COVID-19 we cannot always go and help in person. Small businesses have been hurt due to the pandemic and whenever possible we can shop small businesses in our neighborhoods. Many local businesses have made ways for people to shop safely and will even deliver packages to the car or mail our purchases. We might take or order food to be delivered to our essential workers: police, hospital employees, nursing home workers, health workers. I don’t want to leave anyone out of this list, but you can think of all types of essential workers having to be out there in the workforce to keep us going. With nursing homes and assisted living facilities not being able to allow family to visit their patients, the residents are facing unprecedented loneliness and depression. Think of what we might do to lift their spirits. We might set up a Zoom meeting with residents and read to them or sing to them. Call and ask the administration what we might do to help and offer. We might send flowers or balloon bouquets to the facility to cheer up the gathering room. Just think. What talents do we have which would help others?
Rather than thinking of this time in our lives as a dreary, sad, horrible time, let us look upon it with new eyes. Let us use our imagination, our talents and energy to be of benefit to others, to alleviate someone’s sadness, to improve their lives and speak or write life into every new day in some way. Let us bless and be blessed!
Sandra Mansfield Wright, is the author of Gentleness, Strength, The Posture of Hope, Growing in Hope,365 Daily Gifts of Joy and Little Gifts of Joy.
After retiring from her career in real estate, Sandra Mansfield Wright became an "Interior Designer for the Heart".
She writes and speaks on the subject of joy and provides practical ways to bring joy more fully into the lives of her readers and listeners. Sandra lives near Memphis, TN,
Visit Sandra at
Thank you for sharing this with us. I like the idea of breakthing life into our days ahead!
ReplyDeleteI like the idea of choosing a word to focus on for a month! Enjoyed your post very much!