
January 2, 2019

Writing: Craft and Call

By Meg Wilson

I’ll never forget meeting my friend, Mesu Andrews, in the community bathroom at a mountain writers’ retreat. She likes to remind me of my fuzzy pink robe. I remember the easy connection we shared. Both of us were mothers of teenage daughters about the same ages. We both held our fresh dreams of getting published as budding writers, new to the conference scene.

Though we lived in different states, we stayed connected. We built an easy trust as kindred spirits often do. She was sure her project would be non-fiction, but as she shared her thoughts, I felt her ideas had greater potential as fiction. While I was working on a series of fiction children’s stories, as a distraction from the work I was doing with hurting women, she challenged me to put my experience in writing. Neither of us took the other’s advice—at first.

We were two ladies with earnest goals and passions, working on the craft of writing. This is one of the many benefits of attending writer’s conferences. The workshops, meetings with editors, keynote speakers, and connections with like-minded people—all priceless benefits of my writing journey. Learning the craft is essential as is finding writing buddies to share the often-solitary journey. Finding safe and honest critique partners is also invaluable.

When I realized that there was more than just a desire to be published—there was a call—everything shifted. My writing became an integral part of my story and my passion for helping others. There was a shift when there was a greater purpose for the words I was putting on the page. What drove me were the face of a hurting women who could be helped by gaining tools and discovering she was not alone. That’s also when doors began to open.

Fast forward, 13 years later, my friendship with Mesu is rich and deep as we have shared much of life together. She even lived nearby for a sweet season. She has gone on to become an award-winning fiction author with her ninth book about to launch. My non-fiction book, Hope After Betrayal was published in 2007 and the Revised and Expanded version re-launched this year.

My writing today presents itself in many forms—curriculum, blogs, articles and more—for the call has morphed into a non-profit named after the book, Hope After Betrayal Ministries. The craft of writing continues to be used, but what gives it wings is the call to make a difference. So, if you are a writer, seek to use your gifts and talents for the greater good. The written word is powerful and often abused. Use your written voice to heal, help, and elevate our shared human experience in the way only you can.
Meg Wilson is the author of Hope After Betrayal and a regular speaker to women’s groups, Bible studies, and conferences. Eighteen years ago she began leading Healing Heart groups, then in 2013 she founded the Hope After Betrayal Ministries. Wilson and her husband, Dave, have been married for more than 35 years and have two adult daughters. The Wilsons make their home in Vancouver, Washington. Learn more about Meg Wilson at You can also find her on Facebook (@habministries) and Twitter (@HopeAfterBetray).

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