
October 18, 2023

Want To Meet An Old Friend?

Here’s the promise of this book in 28 words…You’re going to learn how to ask God questions.

You’re going to get answers.

And then you’re going to use those answers to recode your life for success.

GOD TALKS is a simple process that will show you how to instantly break through any obstacle and create abundance in your life. By the time you are done, you’ll feel more energetic, more vibrant, and more alive. Your relationships will be better, stronger, and more meaningful. You will be more focused and fearless.

And you’re going to reconnect with an old Friend. You may have met him before.

His name is God.

950 miles an hour. Now that’s fast. But it’s not nearly as fast as Ed Rush flew in his combat career as a decorated F-18 pilot, which included over 50 combat missions and 2 tours to Iraq. While in the Marines, Ed served as the one of the country’s leading instructors on aerial dog fighting and recently worked as a key player in the development of the new F-35 Joint Strike Fighter.

Ed is a sought after speaker, bringing his dynamic gifts to the stage in engaging ways that make his clients look great. Ed also serves as the “secret weapon” that over 300 companies have brought in “through the back door” to help them increase profit & decrease waste, consulting them with honesty and effectiveness.

After 2 combat tours to Iraq, Ed left full-time active duty to speak, write, and share a message that will change the world. He has achieved all of this despite possessing a below average intelligence (case in point: Ed failed Kindergarten).

Ed’s books and expertise have been featured on CBS, FOX, ABC, and NBC. To follow or with Ed, head over to:

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