
August 29, 2023

Do You Too Struggle With Reality?


Abby Spenser, a sassy 49-year-old detective, who has recently become redundant, as the British say, begrudgingly leaves her job in the small town of Sweet Magnolia, Georgia due to her increasing issues with arthritis. But she can’t keep her nose out of the detective business too long, much to her ex-partner’s dismay. They may have taken Abby’s badge away but in her heart, she’s still a detective, and always will be. As she struggles with her new reality, she decides there is one more case to solve, one that has haunted her every day for more than a year. She is sure she knows who the killer is, but she wasn’t able to prove it. As she leaves the department on her last day she vows that she will solve it with or without the badge

Vickie Carroll is the author of 20 books ranging from “sweet” romance to cozy mysteries. Her love of history sent her looking back at WW2 and wondering how romance could possibly blossom in such circumstances. That led to a current work in progress, “Until We Meet Again” set in England. She has also gone back to her first love—the traditional cozy mystery,” It’s Only Murder.”

Vickie enjoys giving her main character a personal problem to solve, along with a mystery. “I want to take the reader on an escape. I give them something interesting to ponder as they go along with my sleuth (usually an amateur one). They get to be a part of the story while visiting a small town and meeting interesting characters.” They get to live in a world where they know that everything will work out as it should in the end, and they meet interesting, and often quirky characters along the way.

“I will continue to write about what interests me as I look forward to fall and maybe giving in and getting a dog. So far, I’ve just put them in my books.

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