
July 1, 2014

Three Years and 655 Authors

by Susan Reichert, Editor-in-Chief, Southern Writers Magazine

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! Yes, Southern Writers is celebrating the start of our fourth year. Thank you to all the wonderful writers and readers for supporting the magazine that promotes authors and their books. It has been our pleasure to help authors bring attention to their books through our magazine, through our writer’s platform Suite T, and through our promotional venues Mic Nite, Take Five and Must Read TV.

We are committed to continue promoting authors and their books in the coming year. So far, we have promoted over 600 authors. The old saying “It takes a village” is right on so many levels. It is just as true for authors. It takes all of us, not just Southern Writers, helping to get the word out about authors and the books they are releasing.

Today, more than ever, authors need all of us in their corner, helping to spread the word about their books. Anyone who writes knows it takes a lot of work to bring about the finished product for publication.

Yet, it doesn’t stop there. Getting it published is only the second leg of the road authors have to walk. Then comes the pivotal path of selling the book. That takes promotion, in many different forms. The competition is strong. This is why we designed our promotional packages for authors. These venues are a way for authors to boost attention to their books. We give you a promotional package free when you join Southern Writers as a subscriber.

We’re not just a magazine bringing you interviews from successful authors who share their secrets of writing, instructional articles on writing techniques, and inspirational nuggets. We’re also an author’s right arm, working with you to promote you and your books. Let us help you promote your books.

Join our family now. Let us walk with you on this road. Make this your best year yet.

Happy Anniversary and Happy Writing!

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